不生气口訣 人生就像一場戲 因为有緣才相聚 相扶到老不容易 是否更該去珍惜 為了小事發脾气 回頭想想又何必 別人生气我不气 气出病來無人替 我若气死誰如意 況且傷神又費力 鄰居親朋不要比 兒孫瑣事由他去 吃苦享乐在一起 神仙羨慕好伴侶 What if I blog in Chinese? Who would read it? I doubt the characters could be displayed in every laptop and computer screen. Anyway, I just want to share this rhyming verse/poem/creed. It's about controlling the temper, deciding to choose not to be angry. In case you cannot read it, here's an image version of the poem. Do you want to read it … [Read more...]
God’s Character, Cymplified!
What traits of God assure you the most? What promises of His attributes do you hold on to the tightest? Do you find comfort in God's character? According to Joyce Meyer, 1. Justice: God is a God of justice. That word justice is so awesome because it means that He will always make anything that's wrong right. This helps me to not worry when I am mistreated because I know God will bring justice. It's who He is. 2. Goodness: God is good, this fact never changes. And He's good all the time, … [Read more...]
Animal Rescue, Cymplified!
I like animals; especially pet animals like dogs, cats and rabbits, and I also like lions and panda bears. I wish I could hug them. I really hate it when some people are cruel to animals. Stopping animal cruelty, feeding and giving shelter to animals are two of the causes I support. Before I got married and had children, my dream was to build a mansion for stray dogs and cats. I know that dream is not yet possible, and I have to find out if my hubby agrees with it, too. It might … [Read more...]
Uncovering God’s Word, Cymplified!
My word for this year is shine. One way I want to shine is to read the Bible each day to fuel me to be a better follower of Jesus Christ. How could I shine and reflect Jesus if I don't read and apply God's Word, my guidance, to my life? I am thankful to Pastor @RickWarren for sharing this application I could use to subscribe to devotionals that would encourage me to read the Bible every day. This app is called the YouVersion. It has a myriad of Bible translations and languages. It allows me to … [Read more...]
Dealing With Frustration, Cymplified!
I am no stranger to frustration. I am learning to deal with frustration every day. Looking at my supposedly working desk and seeing the clutter frustrates me. Not being able to bring my children to run and play in parks frustrates me. Dreams unfulfilled frustrate me. How do you deal with frustration? “Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion. I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning do to do afterward.” ― Kurt Vonnegut “Am I ever angry or frustrated? I … [Read more...]
Kindness, Cymplified!
I am sure that many people are familiar with and have exhibited this fruit of the Spirit, especially during the recently concluded Christmas holiday. It feels great to know that the people I follow on Twitter are spreading the kindness, especially during calamities when families were losing their homes. To show kindness is to display one of the qualities of a follower of Christ. According to Romans 12 (ESV), these are the marks of the true Christian: Verses: 9 "Let love be genuine." 10 … [Read more...]
Overcoming Temptation, Cymplified!
I am faced with temptation every single day. I am tempted to eat more than my tummy could contain, to eat more sweets after meals. I am tempted to lose my patience with my children, to speak to them with a harsh voice. I am tempted to let the day take over my attitude and goals, to not make time to read the Bible. See, temptations are very common in life. And sometimes, we see them as being so simple that we think that we can conquer them all by ourselves. If these temptations are already a part … [Read more...]
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