God is a God of love. He is slow to anger and His mercy abounds. The way He loves us is unconditional and He wants us to share His love. God doesn’t want us to fight, to put down other people, to say bad things about our peers. He wants us to forgive like He does. He wants us to live in harmony with each other, especially with fellow Christians.
Harmony, something a Christian aims to achieve in all of her environments. It is very important to have harmony at home and among family members. Among siblings, it is achieved without rivalry and competition, and the reason why I am unhappy when my children quarrel with each other. Ours must be a home filled with love and compassion. A home filled with Jesus Christ. Charity begins at home, right?
I John 4:7
7 Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.
How nice it is to have a harmonious relationship with the people you love and know. Thanks for the visit!