Laughing, something I enjoyed when I was in high school. I loved the company of my friends immensely and laughing with them was a normal occurrence. I would even laugh until my sides hurt and then I would snort, which, I know was very unladylike, but I didn't care. They said laughing is like doing abdominal exercise, I had hoped it was true! As years passed, I noticed that I laughed less and less. Maybe because I don't get to see these friends very often. Maybe because I didn't enjoy college … [Read more...]
Breastfeeding Reminders, Cymplified!
I'm trying to psych myself now, with less than a month to go, so I came up with some points I want to remember after I give birth, so I could be encouraged to breastfeed. These are what I will think of when I see my breasts. Believe that I will produce milk for my baby. Rest when I could to avoid stress and tiredness, factors which could lower milk production. Enjoy hanging out with my baby while she feeds. Anticipate challenges. Solicit help from other breastfeeding moms or moms who have … [Read more...]
Kids’ Clothes Shopping, Cymplified!
I admit, I suck at clothes shopping or shopping in general. I don't think I have ever bought a dress, top or bottom that I really, really liked. My sense of style is overshadowed by my mom's since most of my clothes were given by her. Now that I am a mother, my children's clothes were also mostly gifts or hand-me-downs. I think I have gone shopping specifically for my daughter's outfit only twice or thrice. Does that make me a bad mom? The disadvantage of that is my style is not being … [Read more...]
Date At Home, Cymplified!
And so, the baby has arrived. Dad and mom need a day or night off to recharge. But, the little one won't sleep! Or his sleep pattern is so erratic it's unpredictable, therefore, they cannot leave the tot to a nanny or grandparent since sometimes only the parents or the mom in particular can put him to sleep. It might be counterintuitive to have a family sleepover at a hotel since it's not home and the baby most likely will be sensitive to the new surroundings; but wouldn't it be great to have … [Read more...]
Pregnancy Woes, Cymplified!
Ahh...Pregnancy! It does bring out the worst in women at times. Take me, for example, I know I already have some challenges in qualities as a person. But I think being pregnant magnifies them a hundred times. What are these, you ask? For one, Clumsiness. No, I haven't fallen from the stairs...yet! I don't want to imagine the excruciating pain that's going to cause. It's just that the whole shifting of my center of gravity, looser joints thing gets to me sometimes: accidentally bumping … [Read more...]
Sustaining Breastfeeding, Cymplified!
Sustaining breastfeeding, something I have not accomplished with my first two children. I am hoping I will be able to with my third. The wonderful benefits of breastfeeding should be able to empower me, even if I lack adequate knowledge, lack support and get discouraged easily. It's nice to have a friend who's also pregnant with her first baby and who's bent on acquiring all the information she could get by taking advantage of the classes and seminars offered nowadays. I wouldn't be informed … [Read more...]
Incentive, Cymplified!
We all need something to motivate us at home (chores, anyone?), at work, and even for the (supposedly healthy) lifestyle that we lead. Our efforts should always be rewarded somehow. One challenge I am facing at present is how to encourage my 4-year-old daughter to do her homework. What incentive must I employ to get her to have the desire to do her tasks from school? She is smart and I know she would do them well if only she wants to. "What's in it for me?" A question we sometimes … [Read more...]