It felt like it’s been so long since I did a book review. Now that the BookLook Bloggers review program was canceled, my book reviews were not that consistent. Even though I read books, I only ever write about the ones that I can relate to or that left a deep impression on my soul. Be they five stars or not. I wanted to do a review of Not Invisible: A Memoir by Frances Amper Sales, because
- I like the way she writes in her blog. Her stories about her mama and her family are my favorites.
- I have met her in person at an intimate event; have talked with her while her cute baby boy was on her lap. She’s friendly and bubbly.
- And of course, I can relate to her. We are both mommies. To three children. Makes me wish I have three or more hands, too. 😉
Congratulations, Frances!
I’m happy that her dream of coming out with her own book came true.
I think that most people who write dream of publishing their own book. I do, too! 😀
A book is a friend.

And, isn’t it nice to grab a cup of coffee with your friend? While she tells of her motherhood woes and wins, you nod and wholeheartedly agree. Or disagree, and then you both agree to disagree. Remain friends, obviously.
Reading this book is like that. A conversation over warm drinks and delicious snacks. It’s lighthearted yet somehow poignant.
The stories, “chapters” and wisdom come in bite-size nuggets. Easily digestible. Perfect even for new mothers, whose time is erratic and cut into irregular shapes. A needy whine would ring out just when this mommy has a few seconds to sit down and breathe. And read. She’d have to stand up and prepare a snack or wash bums. Good for the working woman. Favorable for the loving wife.
The book, like a friend, will still be there when she comes back. Even when the coffee had gone cold.
We are not invisible.
Not Invisible: A Memoir by Frances Amper Sales is honest and real. It celebrates love, – every part of it – painful and pleasant.
There’s a prayer in it – her mama’s prayer for the lifelong work of her children – that I copied down. It’s beautiful and I want to pray it over my own children. I want my kids to find their purpose and be fulfilled doing it.
My favorite chapter was the one called “My one and only birthday wish”. Like motherhood, like life, it’s a rollercoaster of emotions. But lessons and realizations are treasures waiting to be uncovered.
This book shines a light on mothers knee-deep in the mundane and in seemingly invisible workload. On husbands who share the hard and heart work of keeping a home and raising children. We are seen, we are appreciated, especially by the Lord who meets us in the middle of our messes.
To Him, we are not invisible.
Genesis 16: 13 (ESV)
13 So she called the name of the Lord who spoke to her, “You are a God of seeing,”[a] for she said, “Truly here I have seen him who looks after me.”[b]
Have you read Not Invisible: A Memoir? Head on to Topaz Horizon and get a copy. 🙂

Memoir, Autobiography
Ukiyoto Publishing
January 13, 2021

All Frances wanted in life was a successful career. No husband, no kids, thank you very much. So when true love swept her off her feet, she thought she would breeze through marriage and motherhood just as easily. It turns out the scars of her childhood made her a reluctant and anxious wife and mother, afraid of losing herself. In Not Invisible, Frances explores through short and poignant essays how her fears were conquered by love - the love of her husband, her three sons, and her God, and her love for them. She tells stories of romance and gives tips on how exhausted moms can make love again. She shares the wonder and wildness of babies and raising young boys. She also talks about the pain of being a motherless mother. This inspiring memoir of her first 10 years as a mommy is a story of faith, hope, and love. It's about welcoming life's surprises and not losing sight of oneself and what matters. Most of all, it's about embracing all the love and joy that comes with family.
Thank you for this sweet review, Cym! My favorite part is the Bible verse you found of how God is the one who always sees us, even when no one else does. I was so moved. Thank you and God bless you and your lovely family!
Welcome, Frances! I enjoyed the book and really feel like it’s my friend. Thus, you’re also my friend. 🙂 Blessings to you as well!