“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”
― Theodore Roosevelt
start right here
When I find it in my heart to do something, I agree that “the first step is always the hardest.” “But, it’s the only way to reach the second step,” said Susan Gale. Therefore, I remind myself to start right here. Face that blank page. Paint that first stroke. Write that first sentence.
It is scary to start something, which I have no idea what’s going to happen to it in the end. Is it worth it? Would I, or they, like it? I’ll never know until it is completed.
Fear of the unknown. Starting something new requires change. Change is daunting.
attitude matters
“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.”
― Winston S. Churchill
One of the things that motivate me to get going is attitude. How do I feel about a certain goal or task? In the #JoyfulDaysbyCym planner inserts, I included a page about goals and actions we need to take to reach those goals.
The kind of attitude I have guides the result of each goal I have and the next actions I will take. I wrote about Attitude + Action = Result.
I have an innate need to create. But, there’s something holding me back. The questions above: Is it worth it? Would I, or they, like it? Additionally, what if my creation does not match how I pictured it in my head? What if I fail? I’ll waste paper, paint, and time. I’ll waste disk space and bandwidth.
Yet, those are the investments I make for pursuing my passion. “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.”
Even if no one will like it. Even if no one will read it. I’m creating for myself first. I have this satisfaction of completing something. Like my #JoyfulDaysbyCym planner inserts. My goal was to finish it… And I did in January!
Maybe the next goal is to sell it… 😉
Do you agree with starting right here, where you are? What do you want to achieve that makes you feel scared?
Kinda similar in a way to the quote, “Bloom where you’re planted.” And yeah, I completely agree. There’s no better time to start anything than NOW. ☺
Nathalie recently posted..Valentines Day, LDR edition
I like the quote “Bloom where you are planted”!