Dear Lord,
On Christmas day…
I want to offer my
thank you prayer.
As I got down on all fours, collecting, crumpling and stuffing wrapping paper into paper bags, I want to thank You for the mess that is Christmas morning. You have shown me that I am blessed with children who love opening presents big or small, that we have something exciting to look forward to; that there are people who care to give us the gifts of their time, effort and money. Please give me the wisdom to guide them so they could clean up after themselves next year.
Our helper had a few hours off so I was left washing the dishes. Thank You, Lord, for my husband who cooked our lunch. There was leftover food from the Christmas Eve dinner and the kids still gobbled up the cold pizza. I am thankful we were able to buy food and enjoy them. When we went out without the children to shop for grocery items, we even had quality time as a couple.
While relatives and friends were able to spend Christmas in different places, I wished we could, too. But, I am already thankful that we were in the comforts of our home, my hubby and I watched movies from our TV and the kids played together, albeit noisily, with their new toys. I am sorry if I feel so choked and stressed by the things in our house. Please help me to get rid of our clutter soon.
Although, most of my Christmas wishes cannot be fulfilled, and I feel doubts about my dreams (not the ones I have when sleeping), I know that being a wife to my dear hubby and a mother to my children are my purposes in life. While I am able to be there for them, I must savor this time. Thank You God for my family. Please help me to guide them to You.
I was struck with a thought the other day. Christmas brings to mind shiny, glittery ribbons, but You, Jesus were wrapped in simple swaddling clothes. Christmas reminds me of gifts we receive, but You were the best and most precious gift for us. Also, You were the One who should be gifted by us. Christmas is a season of gathering together and for some, loud parties; but You were born in the quiet of the manger surrounded by Your earthly parents, not a lot of people celebrated.
But, it was Your humility that captured me, Your servanthood in a world of selfishness. In a world of chaos, I anchor myself to Your peace. In a world of sorrow and insecurity, I hold onto Your joy.
On new year’s eve, I gazed at the night sky.
I believe that my life is like the fireworks. Lighting up the dark for just a short time, I need to make it the brightest, the most colorful I could ever be. I must make it count.
Just being able is a great blessing.
Thank You, Jesus!
May the year 2016 be all about You.
In Your name I pray…
Your prayer is worth reading, thanking God in a simple way on what is happening in our lives and not complaining.