If there was a label for my mothering style…
I don’t know what it is.
You know about the Helicopter mom who always hovers over her children, ready to step in and do things for her kids, to intervene in their affairs, especially in their education, in a detrimental way.
You know the Tiger mom who, according to Urban Dictionary, “is overly strict with her child in order to foster an academically competitive spirit. This form of upbringing is intended to direct a child towards financially successful careers at the potential risk of feeling emotionally unfulfilled and/or socially inept.”
You know the mom deemed as cool or fun who always gives in to her children’s fancies, who hangs out with them and their friends, who knows all the popular kids’ shows, video games and lingo. In short, the mom who tries to be their children’s BFF.
What kind of mom am I?
There are work-out-of-home moms who delegate the care of their children to caretakers and tutors. I don’t think I have seen these moms. Maybe they’d be present at school programs.
There are stay-at-home and work-at-home (business owner) moms who personally bring their children to school, who fetch their kids, who tutor them, who are ready to connect with other moms, who talk to customers on the cellphone.
There are moms who take advantage of the time their kids are in school to work out or go on a food trip.
There are moms who can talk about their little ones nonstop.
There are moms who quietly wait for their children and sometimes listen to other moms talk about their own children nonstop.
There are moms who discipline or punish their children in front of an audience.
There are moms who compare notes and exams of the kids with other moms.
There are moms who talk about other moms.
There are moms who prefer the company of nannies.
There are moms who treat school as a business opportunity.
There are so many kinds of mothers who love in different ways, who only want what’s best for their children.
Which kind of mom am I?
I guess I am a little of some of these moms I mentioned and see in school, moms I notice in family, relatives & friends, moms I read about in articles.
What I do know is that…
I am an imperfect mom, requiring grace & forgiveness, desiring what’s best, good & God-willed for my children, and continuously learning how to be the mom my kids need.
Over to you mothers, what kind of mom are you?
I’d like to think I’m the stay/work at home mom who’s also a little of each and every mom on the list.
Peachy @ The Peach Kitchen recently posted..A Grand Staycation at City Garden Grand Hotel
I’m a fun-loving Mom who believes my son learns best by experience, and that’s why I try to make things as experiential as possible for him. Now if only I had more time to do just that.
Thanks for dropping by, Toni! I also want my children to learn by experience, and not just reading from somewhere. That’s why I enjoy field trips and family day outs.
I’m just a mum. Period. Hahahaha! I don’t know what kind of mum I am but I hope my child will say that I’m a loving mum. π
Celerhina Aubrey β recently posted..Heroes for Children Run
It’s how we make them feel that matters. π
I used to be the full time working Tiger Mom. I’ve since learned to relax a whole lot since my third child was born though. Now, I’m the WAHM who does almost everything for the house and the family. π
Janice recently posted..Explosive New TV Series, LIMITLESS, Airs on September 23 on RTL CBS Entertainment HD
I cannot imagine you being a Tiger mom, Janice!
I’m the one who goes with the kids to school and waits for them till they finish. I don’t think I’m the helicopter type though. I’ve got so many things to do to be doing that haha. I’m also not the tiger mom, only when the situation calls for it. I guess, we tend to be a little of every type when the situation calls for it.
Yes, I agree that it also depends on the circumstances.
I’m a mad-hatter mom! hahaha .. I mean, I wear many hats especially now that my daughter is a teener already. Actually, we call each other sisters π
edel recently posted..NEW RESTO ALERT: 49B Heirloom Kitchen
Wow! When my daughter becomes a teen I might ask advice from you. π
I’m just a mom, who do what I deem is best for my kids, lol.
Rowena Wendy Lei recently posted..The Face Shop Oil Control Water Cushion SPF 50 PA+++ Review
Of course. π
Amen! I never wanted to label myself, much less my mothering style. I could exhibit that particular trait but it doesn’t mean it defines me. Like you, I’m also an imperfect mum who calls on God for help.
Maan recently posted..Ilocos-Baguio-Cavite Trip on a Budget: Itinerary
I know… We cannot rely on only our strength to be good mothers for our kids.
I’ve questioned myself the same thing. It leads me to go back to be a 1Cor 13 person or mom. It’s about love. If I replace love with mom. It works as well.
A mom is patient
A mom is kind
A mom does not envy
A mom does not boast
A mom does not think of her own
A mom endures all thing
A mom believes all things
Etc. you get the idea. Haha π
Gilian recently posted..Certificate of Teaching Young Learners by MEET (Master English Education & Training)
It does work well. Thanks for sharing, Gilian!
I am a mix of cool and a tiger mom, I let my son explore on his own but with boundaries. Of course I never let him to do the things that might hurt him. I’m a working mom too so I always make sure we have play time when I get home.
Boundaries and limits are important to keep children safe.
I like this post. for me, I think I am that kind of prayerful mom because everynight I always asked God to help me and guide as a mother to my toddler I always praying for him. Because zd is my first child I am still learning how to be a good mother. Because motherhood is very hard and broad.
Melisa Sanchez recently posted..WHY SO ACTIVE BABY?
Oh, it’s good to pray for our children every day and to pray for us as moms after God’s heart.
I don’t think moms should really be classified because circumstances and preferences will make us all different. As long as you are the kind of mother you want to be then I think that’s more than enough. π
Louisa recently posted..Shop Online for Wacoal Intimate Apparel
That is true, Louisa!
I am a hands on mom who is always there for my little girl.
MrsMartinez recently posted..Everyday Makeup Under 10 Minutes
Always. π