We, as mothers, want to encourage our children, right? We want their beautiful and unique personalities to shine, exactly how God had made them.
Yet, there just are most some days when my 5-year-old Elle and I seem to have a power struggle. I would see the fiery defiance in her eyes and feel that I have failed somehow as a mother. It just is super challenging to guide her to be a responsible person, without dampening her creative spirit.
The responsibility of parenting is so overwhelming that I was even moved to write a message to my unborn child when I was pregnant the first time around. I still ask these questions at present.
My child, how do I teach you to be…
Humble yet confident?
Simple yet outstanding?
Honest yet tactful?
Outspoken yet a listener?
Contented yet an achiever?
Strong yet gentle?
5 Ways To Encourage Your Kids | GraceLaced
Thankful to technology, I myself do need the encouragement now and then. That there are moms having the same struggles that I am having and being able to gain insights from what they share on their blogs is a blessing to me. One way to be an awesome parent is knowing how to encourage our children. 🙂
This is a hard task we must do best. First, we must let them feel they are love and we do understand them. Sometimes it is hard to be more patient but that really helps a lot for both parents and children. We understand better so we must understand the way they behave. Like you, I want my son to grow as a the best person he can be. How? I really don’t know exactly how. I will just go with the flow of life. I will just continue to love, understand and support him all the way.
Mommy Maye
Very insightful! Thanks for this comment. 🙂
I always believed in encouraging my children and influencing them to do better. I am always there to celebrate their victories and would always be the first person to clap when they get some achievements. The role we play as parents is very important to the success of our children. I agree on items 1 to 5.
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I agree that our roles as parents are very important. That’s why sometimes I feel so overwhelmed.