I am no stranger to frustration. I am learning to deal with frustration every day. Looking at my supposedly working desk and seeing the clutter frustrates me. Not being able to bring my children to run and play in parks frustrates me. Dreams unfulfilled frustrate me. How do you deal with frustration?
“Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion. I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning do to do afterward.”
― Kurt Vonnegut
“Am I ever angry or frustrated? I only feel angry sometimes when I see waste, when things that we waste are what people need, things that would save them from dying. Frustrated? No, never.”
― Mother Teresa, The Joy in Loving: A Guide to Daily Living
According to @JoyceMeyer, in the devotional I am currently reading: Joyce Meyer: Promises for Your Everyday Life – a Daily Devotional, “I believe every time we feel frustration, it means we’ve really stopped relying on God.” She shares that relying on God is a way of dealing with frustration. When we depend on Him, trust in Him and live by the Holy Spirit, we shall have live with less feelings of being burdened and with more victory over each task.
I hope to do just this! I want to stop being frustrated as it results to a cranky, hot-tempered wife, mommy and employer. I want to shine and do everything, face everyone, with a smile.
Note: Free image from iStockphoto
Daddy Yashiro says
Well God is indeed the comforter and we should really rely everything to Him.
Daddy Yashiro recently posted..Visit SM City Fairview For Their SM Cartoon Fest
kat says
I hope you find a way to channel your frustration somewhere else.
kat recently posted..Home Decor Inspirations for the Day
Mommy Belle says
Frustration…I;m afraid it will get get nearer within my vicinity.
Mommy Belle recently posted..Time is Gold
Meikah Ybañez-Delid says
I deal with frustration by eating hahaha It’s not fun to be frustrated actually. But I think it’s part of life. We just need to channel our frustrations well. Also, some say that to be less frustrated, have less expectations. LOL
Meikah Ybañez-Delid recently posted..Friday Mommy Inspirations
ceemee says
That’s true! I hope to let God deal with my frustrations more, especially those I can do nothing about.
Dominique Goh says
I’m sure you be able to do so.. try to minimize your frustration and be a better , happier mom.
Dominique Goh recently posted..Weekend Reflections:Healthy Eating
Jemm says
I’m also very well-acquainted with frustration and I always regret mulling over it every single time.
Oh, and if you’re interested in exchanging links and following each other on GFC, please let me know through my blog.
Take care. 😀
Jemm recently posted..Start the Year Right With Sulit.Com.PH
Tin says
You can do it! For me frustrations mean I’m heading to a direction I need to be still to hear my next steps from Him. 😀
Tin recently posted..Our Breakfast at Antonio’s
ceemee says
That’s a helpful way of defining frustrations. Thanks!
Cleo A. Rollins says
It is the difference between independently trying to perform for God, verses depending on God and relying on him to live through you. We do not mature into independence from God. We mature only by remaining dependent upon him, and that’s the way he wants it. He wants you to enjoy the freedom and love of being in relationship with him, trusting him, depending upon him. He is not expecting you to perform for him.
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