Laughing, something I enjoyed when I was in high school. I loved the company of my friends immensely and laughing with them was a normal occurrence. I would even laugh until my sides hurt and then I would snort, which, I know was very unladylike, but I didn’t care. They said laughing is like doing abdominal exercise, I had hoped it was true!
As years passed, I noticed that I laughed less and less. Maybe because I don’t get to see these friends very often. Maybe because I didn’t enjoy college much. Maybe because I had to be more serious at work. Maybe because there were fewer and fewer reasons to laugh. Maybe because I had to grow up.
I missed laughing so hard until my tummy hurts, until I snort, until I cough out my lungs or until my drink comes out of my nose. The only laughter I hear these days is that of my children: so musical, so genuine, so innocent that my heart melts and I am reminded that they are precious blessings. I pray that they will always have reasons to laugh out loud. And that growing up for them doesn’t mean they should not be kids at heart. And that laughing with friends is best when they do not laugh at others’ disabilities or feelings or dreams or physical appearances. I think we need more laughter in this world.
If you cannot view the video, here’s the link: Laughing Caleb.
i so agree with you. i also notice myself laughing less.. sigh.
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