I have children ages six, three and two. Being a mom to these very young children could really be physically and emotionally draining, finding me at wit’s end most of the time. The demands from me seem to never end.
“Mama, get please…”
“Mama, eat please…”
“Mama, come here!”
“Mama, weewee…”
“Mama, ouch!”
“Mama, look!”
And, sometimes, when I was about to start eating, that’s when the little ones would ask me to get something or have the need to do number 2. *sighs* My body is not my own anymore as they always want to sit on my lap, lay their heads on the crook of my neck or sleep so close I had to cross my arms or keep them raised before falling asleep. Personal space? What’s that?
Although they are so makulit and cannot do many things for themselves, I prefer them at this stage. I don’t really look forward to them growing up and going to school. I am still making parenting mistakes and need them to forgive me. I am still learning how to be a better mom for them and how to lead them to Jesus Christ.
On social media, I am glad to read recounts of the experiences of moms who also have very young children. I smile at the fact that I am not alone standing between sanity and insanity. I totally get it when they talk of sleep deprivation and just when they seem to cannot give of themselves anymore, they are told, “Mommy, somebody needs you!”
And when moms with very young children question the deeds they do if they are significant at all, one mom said, “Dear mom of littles, this might be the most important thing you do right now.” We are reminded in the book Love and Respect in the Family that:
Parents who feel discouraged can suddenly catch the truth that what they do matters to God; nothing is wasted.
Excerpt From: Emerson Eggerichs (Dr.). “Love & Respect In the Family: The Respect Parents Desire; The Love Children Need.” iBooks.
It’s good to learn from the experiences of other moms. They are the best sources of information and recommendations because they are real people who have tried what works for their families. Also knowing the mistakes that could be avoided would be quite helpful to new moms. In the article 10 Common Mistakes Parents Today Make, building up our children’s character while they are very young, that prepares them for the future is more important than satisfying their short-term wants.
Why should there be a rift between stay-at-home-moms and work-at-home-moms? Each of us know what is the best decision for our own children, not for the children of other moms. Mothering is hard enough without judgement from others and what they call mommy wars. We especially understand what we all go through because we are all mothers – wherever we are, however we mother, whatever our choices are, as this post A Letter from a Working Mother to a Stay-At-Home Mother, and vice versa seems to capture.
Moms with very young children crave for someone to talk with, someone who understands what they’re going through. Moms.popsugar.com suggested 14 Reasons A New Mom Needs A Seasoned Mom Friend and I think the reasons are valid. New moms need wise advice from somebody who has been in that same situation and who won’t compare her kids’ to yours. Being a mom to young children, I have some weird questions that I know only another mom can possibly answer.
These are just a few of the sentiments of moms with very young children. Are you a mom of young kids? What sentiments would you like to share?
I can’t relate.. Hihi.. But I am preparing myself for better things in the future. Reading this post is one. 🙂
theresa recently posted..Review: Human ♥ Nature Perfect Glow Mineral Blush – 02 Sun Kissed
Sometimes, I get irritated when all of my little girls kept calling Mama…why not Papa? But in the last 2 days, they stayed overnight with their cousins, and boy, did I miss them. I think I’m not ready yet to see that all my children are fully grown up.
Chin chin recently posted..How Schools Rank Honor Pupils According to DepEd
I can relate with what you’re feeling, Chin chin.
I really wish I had smaller kids my kids are now 13 and 6. Both of them don’t want to be babied any more. But i’m older and having more babies is not an option.
Leira Pagaspas recently posted..Morning Prayers
I totally relate on this one. Mama this, mama that — but when it comes to play, always Papa. hahaha! Motherhood is simply amazing. No one can endure the happiness we have as a mom 🙂 We’re blessed 🙂
Jhari recently posted..9 Signs You’re the Parent of a Frozen Fan
I can imagine what you been through everyday. It been chaotic in the house lately with my two toddlers running around the house. It is difficult but same time rewarding. I love my kids more than anything else:)
Melgie recently posted..Pancit Bihon or Bam-E Recipe
Even if I only have a 3-year old son, I already feel how difficult it is to raise a child. I have this mommy guilt that never go away even if I know I am doing my best. So when people asked us when we will have another baby, I told them when the right time comes. I really don’t know when, but I know it will come. Being a parent is never an easy task. Much more when you always have this mommy guilt that you will, what you are doing is never enough.
Mommy Maye recently posted..Mini Thank You Giveaway!
I know what you mean, Maye! I always have this guilty feeling too. It always questions what I do for my kids if it’s right or if it’s enough.
I can so relate, sis. Although I only have one child, my almost 29-month old son, but the challenges of raising him and taking care of him while running the household, without a yaya/helper, is sometimes overwhelming. But then, I wouldn’t have it any other way. By God’s Grace, nakakaya naman ang bawat araw. Glad that I have a very supportive husband. 🙂
By the way, I like the photo with quote that you posted above. So true. 🙂
Van recently posted..His Birthday Is Near!
Having a very supportive husband truly is God’s gift!
Motherhood brings joy and challenges. When we have little ones calling our attention, it is sign of love. I love your attitude about it.
My kid is turning 3 years old this March and I have so much realizations in mothering a toddler. When I was childless, I could easily judge moms whom I thought were not good parents. But everything changed when I myself became a mom. I respect mothers SAHMs or WAHMs or whatever label they may have. We are all mothers, and we are not in a competition with each other. We are here to give a hand and understand each other because there’s one thing that binds us, our love for our kids.
Kristine Gavilano recently posted..Ube Chiffon Cake Recipe with Fluffy Boiled Icing
I know what you mean. I like what you said, that our love for our kids binds us.
I’m a mom of 3y.o boy and a 4month old baby, and I’m trying to be a good parent even though I don’t spend most of the time with them because work. Being a mother is a very fulfilling role…
JanzCrystalz/January recently posted..Random Thoughts on a Busy Friday
My son will be turning 4 by june. and Super kulit talaga. Oftentimes, I lost my temper but I felt guilty afterwards. Hirap pala maging parent but very exciting and fulfilling
Allan recently posted..On Dehydration and Shaken Water
I know, ang hirap! They really bring out the worst and best in us.
Not a mom yet but I have an officemate whose kids are of the same age range as yours and it’s never a walk in the park. There are times she comes in late or has to go on emergency leave because one of her kids is sick. This is why I salute the resilience of moms like you. 🙂
Rose recently posted..Meteor Garden returns to Philippine TV.
I am a mom of a tween, young kid and a oh quite bossy 3 yr old. I do understand what you are going through and it’s different for each kid and what works with one may not work with the other. Am also writing on my experiences with them in the new series on my blog~ Parenting with less stress.
Dominique Goh recently posted..Writer’s Workshop: Really Challenging but Worth it
That sure is a very helpful topic for your mom readers!
I’m officially a mom of a big kid now. 🙂 I can just imagine how busy your day can get, I thought I had my hands full with just 1 kid! Hugs! You totally got this, supermom. 🙂
Patty | MrsC recently posted..Starting The Day Right at Acacia Hotel Manila
Thank you, Patty!
I’m not a mom, but I’ve watched my youngest brother grow up. Kids can be such handful because of they’re being “makulit”, but you still muster the patience to care for them because you love them.
Jemm recently posted..Have a #JollyBreak with Jollibee’s Kit Kat Mix-ins
I’m not yet a mom but my first pamangkin grew up with us. Both the parents were working and I changed his nappy, made him sleep, played with him and even disciplined him. Kaya nga, I deem that mommies are superwomen. They are on their toes 24/7. 🙂
Farida recently posted..Staying Inspired
And you’re a super aunt! 🙂
I have kiddies ages 4 and 3 years of age and I’m feeling what your feeling. Its not easy and sometimes I can’t keep up with them.. Seems like every 4 minutes is like Mom…please..pretty please!! I have big heart for my kids and loved them so much. At the end of the day, they make me smile and happy:)
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