The first of two gardens…
How would I describe this garden? A garden that was like heaven.
It was where everything is lovely, everything is in harmony.
Creator and created together, walking under a perfect weather.
Every need was met, no conflict was set.
The best was at hand, such a productive land.
At the beginning of time, was this garden sublime.
This was the Garden of Eden.
See Genesis 2-3.
It represents being on top of the world, figuratively. Being in the Garden of Eden is being in paradise. It’s where we feel happy all the time. Everything is going right. “Hashtag blessed” is our state of mind. Isn’t it ironic when we say we are “blessed” yet our hearts are far from the Lord? Sometimes we give in to pride, discontent and selfishness.
Just like in the Bible story, sadly, temptation snuck in. Submission to that resulted in sin. Sin drove us away from our happy place. We were separated from the One who loves us the most. We were confronted with challenges and with difficulties. We are at a loss why discouraging situations happen to us.
The second of the two gardens…
Teardrops glistened on the leaves like dew.
The flowers bore witness to cries of agony.
Desperate pleas were offered as prayers by the trees.
Hands up to God and surrendered willingly.
This happened in the Garden of Gethsemane.
See Matthew 26:36-46.
Jesus felt sorrowful about what He would soon go through. His tears fell. He cried out to God. In Gethsemane, He prayed for a way out.
When we are facing desperate times, tears would also fall and we’d also find ourselves crying. May we be like Jesus who went straight to God and presented His cares to the Father who loves us. May we also, like Jesus, accept God’s will along with the trials, know that all things work for our good and never tire in living for Him.
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.
The two gardens constantly happen in our lives. They are the highs and the lows. They are the blessings and the battles. Each one is necessary for us to grow. I cannot have the Garden of Eden without the Garden of Gethsemane, and vice versa.
When I am on top in the wheel of life and life is flowing swimmingly, I wish to say, “thank You, Lord! I praise You, God!”
When I am on the bottom of the wheel of life and life is plagued with anxieties & burdens, I wish to say, “thank You, Lord! I trust in You, God!”
May I always look unto the Lord in every circumstance.
Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.
Lovely, the way you juxtaposed those two gardens. And I really love your drawing too.
Arie Uittenbogaard recently posted..Why you probably aren’t a Christian (but something even better)
Thank you!