What is a hands free life?
Would you choose to do that one more thing on your to-do list?
Or would you choose to savor that one more day with your loved ones?
This thought popped up while I was reading Hands Free Life by Rachel Macy Stafford.
I have subscribed to the author’s blog www.handsfreemama.com and I have read many articles that struck a chord in my mama heart. Rachel shares stories of moments that held realizations and lessons for her. I am inspired by her Hands Free journey, and like her, I want to connect more with my children by letting go of distractions. Closing my laptop so I could look into their expressive eyes and listen to their thoughts, putting my phone down so I could play with them, suspending the items on my to-do list so I could create something with them are a few ways of doing so.
Reading this book is pretty much like reading a collection of her blog posts. They are mostly from a mother’s perspective. Although this book is described as being relevant to everyone, I think the people who could most relate with her stories are the mom readers.
I wish there were:
- more references to the Bible
- practical application of God’s Word to the “hands-free life”
I am inspired to:
- accept my imperfect life
- love my imperfect life
- love the mundane moments
- acknowledge that hope and change lies in my hands and actions
- be involved in what’s going in my loves ones’ minds and hearts
- capture moments, make lasting & loving memories and form positive habits
I would recommend this uplifting book to people who want to live life with open hands, open eyes and open hearts. 🙂
Note: I was provided with a free copy by BookLook in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.

Hands Free Mama: A Guide to Putting Down the Phone, Burning the To-Do List, and Letting Go of Perfection to Grasp What Really Matters!
September 8th 2015

Book Description
New York Times bestselling author and sought after speaker and blogger Rachel Macy Stafford brings us Hands Free Life, the follow up title to her first book, Hands Free Mama.
Maintaining and protecting a hands free life is possible in the 21st century, says bestselling author Rachel Macy Stafford.
With a readership that has grown substantially since debuting her blog and releasing her first New York Times bestselling book, Hands Free Life delivers doable habits readers can build to reclaim their lives from the demands of a distracted culture. Her message is universal and relevant for people of varying backgrounds, regardless of age, gender, educational level, or religious beliefs.
Hands Free Life steers readers toward a life that is simpler, calmer, more meaning-filled, and nurturing. Stafford demonstrates how people can protect what matters in a world inundated with busyness.
Whether one is just starting their hands free journey toward a more present and gratitude-filled life or has been at it awhile—parents, singles, women, and men—everyone needs the sanity and peace of a Hands Free Life.
About the Author
Rachel Macy Stafford is a New York Times bestselling author and a certified special education teacher with a Master’s Degree in education. A few years ago, this life-long writer felt compelled to share her journey to let go of distraction and grasp what really matters by creating what became the tremendously popular blog “Hands Free Mama.” Using her skills as a writer, teacher, and encourager, Rachel provides readers with simple, non-intimidating, and motivating methods to let go of distraction and connect with their loves ones. Rachel lives in Georgia with her husband and two children who inspire her daily. www.handsfreemama.com
This might be a book I truly need. I have been troubled lately, mainly because I am back to my more stressful job and I was wondering how I could have time for my kids and my passion (blogging)