If I were 10 years old, I would really love to go to an adventure park like the one in San Diego as vividly described in this book. It would be great to watch pirate shows, ride exciting rides and look at sea animals in their natural habitats. Many kids, like my own, love animals. It’s always fun for us to visit zoos and water parks. A Dolphin Wish was for children who love animals and have the hearts to see them safe.
Mia, the eldest of the Glimmer kids, was just that. She especially liked the dolphins and dreamed of swimming with them. That’s why she was bothered when someone was letting animals out of their enclosures. Also, she’s struggling with a deep sibling, most specifically a twin, issue that maybe not all children could relate to. Still, it’s a good read for kids as they may learn to be more empathetic through stories.
How her mom, Gloria, addressed the issues was inspirational. They talked one-on-one and prayed over matters. Questions were asked and honest answers were encouraged. I hope I could ask the right questions to help my children figure out their emotions. I also love that when the parents present an explanation to the three girls, it was based on the Bible. That is where true wisdom comes from.
Note: I was provided with a free copy by BookLook in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.

Glimmer Girls
Children, Christian
January 26, 2016

Join twins Mia and Maddie and their sidekick little sister, LuLu, as they travel the country finding adventure, mystery, and sometimes mischief along the way. Together with their famous mother, singer Gloria Glimmer, and their slightly wacky nanny Miss Twist, the sisters learn lessons about being good friends, telling the truth, and a whole lot more.
In A Dolphin Wish a three-night stop in the city of San Diego seems like it might be just the break the girls need—lovely weather and great sights to see. That is until they hear animal handlers at “Watery World” talking about the trouble they’ve been having keeping the animals in their habitats. Mia and her sisters cannot resist a challenge and they talk Miss Twist into another visit to the educational amusement park to search for clues as to what or who is helping the animals escape.