She sat on their leather sofa and placed her head on the arm rest. When she was younger, she used to daydream, a lot! Nowadays, just a few minutes of being seated, staring into space, letting random thoughts rush through her brain was becoming quite the luxury.
Her eyes moved to the plates with cookies, croissants and a pie. There were toppled plastic cups, a kettle and several vegetables. All of these were scattered on the floor, next to the white and violet dollhouse where they belong. The boy needed help in packing away. She had to do it very soon for dinnertime is coming up.
All throughout the day, she had to stop what she’s doing every few minutes to prepare or get something for each of her kids. The demands of the little ones were getting more frequent, bolder and louder. Feeling tired and frustrated, she sought the sanctuary of daydreaming. When her husband asked her, “What’s wrong?”, she felt like launching into a tirade of complaints. She remembered the situations and the attitudes that make her mad and sad.
But her memory also picked up an article that she read. “I can’t complain!”, it said. The story of the author’s friend stuck with her. Gone too soon. That woman would rather have the “problems” of keeping the house and raising the kids, than have cancer. That woman would rather pick up scattered little toys from the living room floor, or make a cup of milk right after lunch, or look for a missing pencil in a messy schoolbag, than have cancer.
Sighing, she knelt on the floor and started scooping up toys and placing them in the rightful boxes. There are times she wants to give up – on being a mother and on life. But, she knew there’s a purpose behind her being a mother and behind her existence. It’s all from God and for God’s glory. She’s still thankful that she could do all these things for her kids. She’s still grateful that she is alive, able to live for the Lord and for people who matter in her life.
Thankfulness is not discounting the difficulties and challenges of life, it is focusing on God’s presence and provisions despite all that we’re going through. (highlight to tweet)
Having a life filled with God’s love and my family’s love, for sure, I can’t complain! (article from
Here’s something to help us be thankful, an excerpt from the book Come Near to God:
Do you have any complaints that you turned into thankfulness? What are they?
indeed, when life gets too difficult, i just imagine the less fortunate ones. if ever i complain of not buying the newly displayed shoe in the shop then what more are those who won’t even complain of not having one. these are the times then, i get to appreciate of everything i have.
germz recently posted..Blue and Black or White and Gold
True, we need to appreciate to be grateful.
I try to practice this especially in moments when I feel like too much is going on. Nice reminder.
Louisa recently posted..Love Desserts Pearl Drive Now Open!
There is just the tendency of having too much going on in a mom’s life. Thanks!
I’m an advocate of the attitude of gratitude and spirit of thankfulness which is why I have Thankful Thursdays on the blog! Maybe you can be a guest sharer for it someday! 🙂
Chinky Magtibay recently posted..Be a Work At Home Mom this 2015
That’s a great thing, Chinky. Yes, it would be an honor!
This is what I keep in mind each and everytime I wanted to pull my hair because I’m tired or when life is getting a bit difficult. We should remember how blessed we are and be thankful.
Peachy @ The Peach Kitchen recently posted..Blogopolis Tickets Giveaway!
I know! It’s my constant reminder!
Wow. This is exactly what I need. I often find myself complaining “out of boredom” that at times, I forget how lucky I am. Every time I feel like bursting from too much complaints, I just sit down, calm myself and remember that there is a reason why I am in this situation. Thanks for sharing this 🙂
Ayi recently posted..TMC Workshop Guide: Retire Rich: Financial Planning for Retirement Webinar
Welcome! Glad my post has helped you.
I can totally relate. It really is very tiring to be a mom to very energetic kids but in the end of the day, we should be thankful that we have kids that we truly love and cherish. 🙂
Yvonne Bertoldo recently posted..What do the world’s most powerful people drive?
Tiring is very true! This is a good thing since we learn to lean on God’s strength.
Thank you for reminding us that we must be thankful for everything instead of complaining. I have to admit that I do complain also but when I pray and asked God for his guidance I am always ending up in thanking Him what he has done for me and believing that everything has a purpose
Yes, it’s about intentionally turning our thoughts to God in every situation.
Wow i needed this perspective because I’ve been feeling so down these past few days. God just reminded me to stay focused on the blessings through this this post.
By the way, did you draw that on a napkin? Galing! Why aren’t you illustrating children’s books yet? 🙂
Maan recently posted..As The Bloody River Clears Out
I’m glad that God spoke to you through my words.
I actually used watercolor paper, with that texture, hehe! I really want to illustrate, but I’m still thinking up the stories.
“Thankfulness is not discounting the difficulties and challenges of life, it is focusing on God’s presence and provisions despite all that we’re going through.”
We always have to remind each other this. It gets pretty hard sometimes and we all need a reminder that we actually have someone to help us through everything: God. Thank you for this. Great timing for me, too.
Welcome! Glad it touched you.
Yes, it is easy to thank God when life is smooth but it so difficult to thank Him if we are having difficulties. But we should learn to be thankful in all circumstances.
Michi recently posted..Our Experience at DFA South
I know! I sometimes backslide and I have to remind myself again, after feeling the guilt.
Thanks for reminding me to be grateful. I can relate to the person that would try to escape in daydreams because perhaps it would help me keep my sanity amidst the chaos of having 2 spirited toddlers and maintaining a decent household. In the end, yes, we should always be thankful. I love this post.
Thanks, Lique! I know about keeping the sanity. Us moms stand on just the brink of it.
Gratitude is my word for 2015! 🙂 One complaint I have is that I don’t get enough alone time. With two little ones, it’s so hard to get that much needed retreat. Then again, kids grow up really fast. Although it’s stressful sometimes, I just try to enjoy my moments with them.
Kim recently posted..You will be remembered! Rest now, brave heroes.
Yes, I agree with you, Kim! I am also trying to enjoy these fleeting moments with them.
reading this made me reflect and stop with m burn out. yep. Life can be gone in an instant…. Thanks for the reminder 😀
Nicole P. recently posted..Book Review | 7 Things Every Wife Should Know
Take care and hope you won’t get burned out!
Beautiful post. A great reminder that we should always be thankful – in spite and despite of any circumstances. This is for a very artistic and spontaneous mommy! ♥
Ruth recently posted..Cinnamon Rolls/Swirls Recipe
This. is. so. true. Exactly what I have felt few days back. I wanna scream out “I need alone time!!” but then I am reminded that 2 years from now, I’ll be sending both kids to school and that I’ll be having a lot of time alone. 🙂 Gotta savor their childhood while I can
Camille recently posted..3/52: The happiness of pursuit
I know! Having little ones has its gifts.
Well said. Thankfulness is not discounting your troubles or pretending they don’t exist. It’s about mindfully recognizing God’s grace in out lives.