Hi moms! How was your Mother’s Day? I know it’s been weeks, but I would like to know. 🙂
Mine was simple. I went biking with my husband Rix in the morning. Then my family and I had lunch with my parents, two of my brothers and their families. We hanged out at my parents’ home until it was time to head to Rix’s sister’s house for the dinner with his side. That’s all!
In between preparing for these family gatherings, there are the mundane things such as feeding, bathing, dressing up, making sure their mouths aren’t sticky with food, that their backs aren’t wet with sweat, while bending over backwards meeting their demands. And as I break up a fight, still reeling from the negative feelings, I would see them suddenly laugh together about something the next moment, leaving me dazed and feeling like I have just alighted from a rollercoaster ride. An emotional rollercoaster ride that is! Indeed, motherhood has me exhilarated and palpitating at the same time.
If someone would ask me what was the craziest thing I ever did, I would answer, “Mothering!” You know why?
Because in this crazy thing called motherhood,
I was crazy to allow my belly to swell to gargantuan proportions and my body to become so big that I waddled instead of walked while pregnant. Yes, I was crazy, but the knowledge that my body could grow a life, a miracle, is amazing!
I was mad to place myself under a situation where my life might be endangered just to deliver my baby into a strange and scary world. Yes, I was mad, but meeting them for the first time in the operating room was magical! I will lead them to Jesus so they would have peace amidst a strange and scary world.
I was out of my mind to be responsible for three human beings and struggle to keep them alive, healthy, safe and happy. Yes, I was out of my mind, but this God-given responsibility brings out the best in me.
I have gone loco for sacrificing my work life to be a stay-at-home mom because I want to personally care for them and to be involved in all aspects of their lives. Yes, I have gone loco, but I know this sacrifice is worth it especially while they’re little.
I was insane to let people think that I have forgotten and have doused every ounce of ambition just to do the mundane things for my children. Yes, I was insane, but my kids inspired me to go after my dreams.
So, moms, how’s motherhood for you? Is it crazy as a rollercoaster ride, like mine? Or is it like a peaceful stream? Please share in the comments!
Roller coaster ride indeed! I have 4 so you can say that’s 4 loops! haha
Mommy Pehpot recently posted..My #FreeInMySkin Story
Just like you, I also gave up my career to be a stay at home mom and to be full time caretaker of 2 human beings (my son and husband). Motherhood is a roller coaster ride for me. My only consolation is being appreciated.
Mommy Levy recently posted..HoneySuckle Breastmilk Storage Bags + Giveaway
Motherhood changed me. I become patient with everything.
But I love the changes that happened. Having the fact that I love being with my girls..
Motherhood is the best thing that happened to me.
Motherhood indeed is the best thing that can happen to us women 😉
M recently posted..Wellworth at Fairview Terraces
motherhood is a continuous learning process, sometimes our kids become effective instruments to help us realize our shortcomings, but no mom is perfect talaga, and with your written words, I’ve found another excuse for being chubby these days hehehe.
Rea Esc recently posted..SOS tip: Making emergency lamp out of salt and used cooking oil
I love the way you spent it. Simple yet meaningful. Bdw, I also love the look of your site. So clean and refreshing.
Kathy Ngo recently posted..253/365 photoblog: Mega Food Wok
Thanks, Kathy!
Being Mom is always amazing! You can make things impossible to possible. Lahat may paraan for the sake of your husband and children. Being a mother is the most difficult yet wonderful profession you ever have.
Cheryl True recently posted..Watsons Brings Affordable, Quality Medicines to Filipino Homes
We mothers really are in a rollercoaster mode haha! We have so much to do, so much to sacrifice, so much to face, all for our children and for our home. But what the heck, seeing them grow up is all worth it. 😀
Cheanne recently posted..Kid’s Workshop, every Kid’s Fun Place
Mine has definitely been a rollercoaster ride! In the past year there have been so many ups and downs. I, too, gave up my job to work from home and be with my son. Some people thought I was crazy, but I’m happy to say I’m doing very well. Sometimes I wonder why I was crazy enough to become a mom, but every time I see my son I find all the answers I need
Oh, so true!
Honestly, I forgot about our Mother’s Day celebration but I am sure with one thing. We celebrated it here at home with good food and nice chat. 🙂
theresa recently posted..Review: Chi Foot Patches
I agree that motherhood is like a crazy rollercoaster ride. It’s never really peaceful and you never know exactly what would happen next. But at the same time, it’s the best thing that ever happened to me. If I had to choose and do it all over again, I probably will.
Chin chin recently posted..Tips to Avoid Sudden Power Outage Damage to Electrical Gadgets
Oh yes! We are crazy moms. We can cry and laugh at the same time. Hehe… Seriously, motherhood gives me maturity and more patience. And if I will be asked if I want to go through the process of motherhood, without a blink of an eye, I will say yes, Because even though this roller coaster ride give us a lot of headaches, pain, and stress, it also gives us so much rewards. These are immeasurable and priceless.
Mommy Maye recently posted..Stop Violence in School
Motherhood has brought out the better side of you! And I think you fit the job because you do it so well, I’m sure. And you are blessed with a beautiful family despite the roller coaster ride filled with laughter, giggles and happiness!
Ida recently posted..World Heritage Sites in the Philippines: Worth Visiting
I love this post! I must say I have to agree with you on all counts. What’s even crazier is that I’ll go through the entire process again – and I’m sure many of you would, too! 😀
Maan recently posted..My 5 Blog Turn-Ons
Thanks, Maan! I know, we moms are crazy people. Hehe!
Motherhood is indeed like a rollercoaster ride! It is also a neverending process of learning and the ultimate challenger of patience, wheew! But it is the most rewarding!
Sanna recently posted..You are Two
Yes, I agree! When we think we got parenting toddlers down pat, they move on to being preschoolers, and we learn all over again.