via @Snoopygrams
May 12 was Mother’s Day and it got me thinking about… well, motherhood!
Unexpectedly, I became a mom, thrice. But, that’s the natural course of life after getting married and deciding to start a family, right? I should have known what to expect.
Yet, nothing could have prepared me for the ever evolving and very challenging role of a mother. One minute I think I have gotten diaper-changing down pat, the next found me training the children to use the potty.
I have long accepted that I can never be a perfect mom, but I do try my best with God’s grace. After all, He has chosen me to be THE mommy of these three adorable little ones, so I’m my kids’ perfect “match”. I am sure that I will always be learning as long as my children are growing.
Through my lenses of motherhood,
• the clouds are much fluffier
• the rainbow is much more colorful
• the bubbles are more fascinating
• the laughter is more melodic
• the songs are much sweeter
• the hugs are much warmer
• the kisses are more tingly
Essentially, my surroundings seem more beautiful through my children’s eyes! Because of them, colors and experiences are more lively! Life is wonderful and amazing!
Remember, loving moms, everything you ever do for your child’s well-being is worth it. You are the best mom for your child and God makes sure of that. He will reward and bless your every effort even if your parenting was criticised or nobody has voiced out appreciation.
Happy Mother’s Day, every day!
Beautiful post. You are right … and I enjoy life so much more through their eyes 🙂
Thanks, Lea!
Happy Mom’s Day To You. A grand salute from me to all mothers out there.!
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Thanks, Ron!