This movie had touched something deep inside me. Mainly because it’s about the relationship of a mother and a daughter. I can empathize with the way Elinor felt after Merida stormed out of the room when they were fighting.
Like Elinor, I treat Elle harshly when in anger, one too many times. π
Like Elinor, I regret what I did, regret how the situation got out of hand, regret how nothing was resolved.
Like Elinor, I cry, consumed with guilt and worry.
Brave movie is a reminder for me that communication is very vital in my relationship with my children. In any relationship, actually. I wouldn’t want to turn into a bear before realizing that!
I get that Elinor wants to guide Merida into her role and responsibility as a princess whom their clan looks up to. But, the way she was doing it made Merida feel suffocated. It’s like the mum was fitting her daughter into a mold where Merida doesn’t belong, the mold that is Elinor. Thus, a power struggle that I am familiar with ensued.
Let Brave movie be an example for me to:
- Cherish the happy and playful times with each of my children, especially now while they are little.
- Gently and firmly guide them to be responsible, caring and God-fearing (I sure need God’s help with this!)
- Keep communication lines with them open, explaining why certain rules need to be followed
- Encourage their talents, accept that their dreams are different from mine
- Let not pride get into the way when we disagree so the bond will not be broken
Fate be changed, look inside.
Mend the bond, torn by pride.
I was looking forward for that movie after I watched the trailer, I was anticipating it would be like Mulan (girl power and all). However, I was surprised coz the movie is more than that, the movie is about mother and daughter. In short, I ended up crying (well, i easily get teary anyway). The movie is great, eye-opener both for mothers and for daughters. if mulan is my favorite cartoon when i was still single then brave is my fave now i’m a mother. π
gremlin mom recently posted..Mommy the Juggler
I have yet to see the movie but I know that I will love it too. I didn’t have a perfect relationship with my mom growing up (we’re not, like, bestfriends) but we do have a pretty stable relationship. I think that there should be more movies like this, they teach both kids and parents something π
Vera recently posted..What happened to KONY 2012?
my family watched this because my little girl has to kulit us haha… and we love the movie
My daughter loved this movie. We’ve watched it countless times since I downloaded it. There are a lot of lessons there for mothers and daughters that will help build a strong bond.
jellybelly recently posted..A Trip with the Twerp
I’ve watched this movie! It’s great; full of values… and girl power! π
Lady Anne recently posted..Far-East Delights at Wagamama
honestly, haven’t heard of this. I want to download this and keep on my list. π
tet recently posted..Review: AHAVA Mineral Hand Cream
Hi there! Nice post, really. My husband and I have watched the movie already too. It’s a nice movie about mother and daughter. And though I don’t have a daughter (I have a one year old son by the way), I can still somewhat relate to it because I know in the future, especially when my little boy is on his teens already, I’m sure in one way or another, we’ll deal with communication issues, although I certainly hope not! I would want to teach my son open communication as early as now. π
Vanessa recently posted..Electrolux HUSH Happier at Home
Thanks! Yes communication is really important.
Maganda pala ang story nito.I have dvd sitting in our tv stand for a month now.mapanuod na nga. I have a daughter too so it also will bring me realizations.
sanna recently posted..Strawberry Swiss Roll
Yes it’s a nice movie minus the prince.
also watched it and liked it, an exceptional princess tale
Yes, a princess tale without a prince!
I want to watch this! I have two teen girls and a seven year old boy. Dealing with teens are tricky. This is the stage where they want to play it cool and think that they know a lot na! sometimes,my girls say things that would hurt me and sometimes, i do too…
Marie recently posted..The Birds and The Bees and Me
We’ve (meaning hubby,me and the kids) have seen it and learned to appreciate the fact that our kids are different and will have different needs from us. It’s a great movie really.
Mys recently posted..Invitation Suppliers I Like
I have a copy of this one but not yet on my list to watch. Maybe next week I will put this on my list.
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