Caleb inside
Dear Caleb,
Mommy’s dear funny baby boy, how mischievous and assertive you now are. In true blue boy fashion, you like wheeled vehicles, airplanes, mock fighting, wrestling, balls and monster or wild animal sounds. Sometimes, you’re interested in your sisters’ toys and that’s okay. The fascination doesn’t last long.
You are a tall boy, yet mommy must not forget you’re still a baby at two and a half years old. When you turned one, then turned two, mommy and daddy were a bit worried that you weren’t talking yet. But, praise God, you can now say the color and name of something, identify letters and numbers. Although your very first word wasn’t papa or mama, I’m still happy that from then on, your vocabulary grew, albeit slowly but surely. I love the way you call me mama, the way you say ‘achi Ella’, your riotous laughter and your cymple gestures of love.
Your EDD was the end of July, however, you decided to arrive earlier. The day before you were delivered, mommy went to the 1st Philippine Chocolate and Ice Cream Melee with your achi and grandparents. Mommy even carried Elle around while she was asleep. It could be because of that, that the amniotic fluid leaked. The next day, mommy at first thought she just couldn’t control her bladder, but decided to have it checked at the hospital nonetheless. It was then confirmed that it was indeed amniotic fluid that was leaking out and because mommy had C-section with your achi, she couldn’t be induced. Mommy wasn’t prepared but you had to be delivered already.
The operation seemed quick and then your very loud cry was heard. When you were handed to mommy, she kissed you and was so pleased she did because you were so soft!
Mommy thinks that her recovery after giving birth to you was the speediest. You are such a blessing to daddy, mommy and achi Elle. As time went by, you grew bigger, chubbier, and more adorable each day. “You were the cutest baby on the block.”, mommy thought. And, your happy, smiling face was such a joy to behold. Your birth story is a cymple yet peaceful one. Mommy loved taking care of you herself. 🙂

with daddy and mommy in 2011
I love it; I love how you write Caleb’s birth story. So sweet! Plus, ang cute ng maternity photo mo. My pregnant tummy didn’t look half as good back then! 😀
Maan recently posted..Never too Late to Start the Year Right With Sulit.com.ph
Awwww such a sweet memento to your son. When he’s old enough to read this and so much more when he’s a grown up, no matter how tough and manly he is, he will get teary-eyed with this post/letter. Love that preggy photo sis. It speaks a thousand words on motherhood and a mom’s love.
Aileen recently posted..PhilHealth: Post Run Update
Thanks Aileen! I could imagine him being tough and manly, hehe!
Cute post. I hope know your son will read this post inthe future to let him know how you gave birth to him.
Such a sweet post sis. They grow so fast no? Parang kelan lang. My son was born on June 2010 so he will be three na.
Mommy Maye
Yes, so fast! Caleb will soon be three, too. Your son is older by a month.
ang cuuuute!!!! gigilll!!! 🙂
im on my 2nd baby na rin sis and just like you CS yung first ko and since less than 2years ang pagitan nila i have to go through CS again…
Oh, have a safe delivery! Kelan due?
Ooohhh such a sweet telling of his birth story. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Vera recently posted..Brunch at Pan De Amerikana
Caleb is such an adorable baby! I bet he’s also as lovable and as friendly as achi. 😀
Thanks, Olga! Friendly? Not so much. Hehe!
adorable! I feel like I am caleb and you are talking to me.
I had 2 CS and well, perhaps I have a high threshold of pain, because I felt I had an easy time recovering. LOL I don’t even experience those itchy tummies. But am happy you overcame it well as well. 🙂
Meikah Ybañez-Delid recently posted..Gearing Up for a Full Weekend
Good for you!
Oh what an adorable letter. It shows so much love for your little one. It’s great reminiscing these wonderful stories.
Grown-Ups For A Day! recently posted..Identifying Colors
Yes, I never want to forget.
So cute and adorable! Lovely story! Be happy. 🙂
btw, you can try joining y giveaway
tet recently posted..Sweet Treats from Jennifer’s Cupcake Creations!
What a beautiful story and baby… I love these wonderful stories of memories that our kids will grow up to read and appreciate down the road. 🙂
ElizOF recently posted..Haiku: Expressions Of Jealousy…
What a lovely birth story. I would lvoe to write to my kids too in the future just like this one!
Chan recently posted..Take Action Today: Detox Fashion
Cutie CALEB! hehe.
RonLeyba recently posted..5 Most Eligible Bachelors From The Tech Industry
good to know that you had a speedy recovery. i never really liked that part after i gave birth via CS. kaya eto, pinilit ko mag normal delivery the next time.
tyna recently posted..I am a SuperMomma
I hope you would have a smooth VBAC next time.
Caleb is so adorable! Just look at those chubby fingers. Cute!
jellybelly recently posted..Short Battery Life
I know. He’s so huggable!