I value my relationship with my small children very much. It is the foundation of our closeness in the coming years. This is especially important in keeping them happy and safe, since they would confide in me whatever they are going through. Hopefully!
Attention: is what my children crave, coupled with great affection.
Believe: in what my 4-year-old says in answer to my questions. Give her the benefit of the doubt. And when she admits to her mistakes, see letter C.
Cool: keep it, especially around them and toward them. “Don’t sweat the small stuff. Choose your battles.”
Discipline: is not punishment. I should keep in mind that it is teaching my kids the right and respectable way to act and react.
Engage: in their activities and especially in what they have to say, no matter how trivial or shallow the topics may seem. To them, it means a lot.
Fun: inject it everywhere! Especially in learning and chores.
Go: places not limited by budget, child-friendly, and go make lots of memories.
Hold: hands whenever you have the chance, and whenever you do letter G.
Imagination: is key to letter F. Follow my children’s leads on this one.
Joy: , help them discover it by drawing closer to God each day.
Kiss: is a lovely way to express our love for each other and for their siblings. Kiss them every chance I get.
Laugh: often with the children, that’s what they always say. It’s fun and uplifts the spirit. Oh, and it exercises our faces and diaphragms!
Music: and dancing and singing, children enjoy these!
New: facts and knowledge, learn them together each day. Hello, Google!
Open: my arms for hugs, open my mind to lessons from them, open my heart to their expressions of feelings.
Praise: their efforts and the things they said and did that were approved.
Questions: mean they have a thirst to learn. They are naturally curious so I must encourage this.
Reward: good and Godly behavior.
Surprise: them with stuff or food and activities they like or look forward to.
Thank: them for favors they did. Teach by example to always be thankful.
Understand: them and put myself in their shoes.
Value: each of my children’s personality.
Wish: on wishing wells, birthday candles, and shooting stars. I don’t do these but I hope to with my kids. Who knows? They might come true. *wink*
eXtra special: is how I need to make them feel. Treat them the way I want to be treated.
Yes: to reading books any time. Yes to drawing and coloring and making art nonstop despite the mess.
Zero: chances of name-calling and putting negative labels on people.
I compiled this so I could remind myself from time to time. Do you have anything to add? I might have forgotten something so please feel free to share any tips on improving our relationship with our children!
wow, this list is so awesome! how can you come up with such a creative list. – Marichu Francisco
Super THANK YOU for this post. I need to be reminded all the time that I need to listen, to understand and to keep it cool with my kids. My 9yo is growing up fast and sometimes when i discipline him he tends to forget it right away and I lose my cool na. But I do most of the hugging, kissing, holding, playing, talking and music. THANK YOU for this post. I really appreciate reading parenting articles such as this. W
Louise | Mommy Practicality recently posted..Practical Saving Tips For Working Moms
Awww… welcome, Louise! I’m glad it’s helpful for you. 🙂
ceemee recently posted..Electrolux HUSH Happier at Home
This is sooo cute, Cym!! Agree with everything on this post! Will share this on VB and everywhere else!!
Thank you, Anne!