The city where I am located has many factories and manufacturing establishments, maybe even more than residences. The 3-storey house that I live in is old and signs of its age are showing in the cracks on the walls and other places. I am worried about the air quality of this city and also worried about this house falling apart. Often I would wish to move into a new home, a home of my dreams which would be a fine place to raise the children. But, for now, my desire would remain a wishful thinking.
To avoid having discontentment creep onto me, I decided to look for beauty in the mundane, amongst the drab landscape of everyday life. It’s the very reason why I wanted my online home – this blog, to be pretty, why I wanted to chronicle the cymphonies in the cymplicity of ordinary days. At least there are some things I can makeover, there are some things worth smiling about even when staying at home.
While I was wallowing in the blues, I got the Bible and prayed that God speak to me through His Word.
2 Corinthians 13:5 -6 (TNIV)
5 Examine yourselves to see whether you are in faith; test yourselves. Do you not realise that Christ Jesus is in you – unless, of course, you fail the test? 6 And I trust that you will discover that we have not failed the test.
Yes, I need to examine myself and see if my faith in Jesus is still going strong. Why am I feeling depressed when God has blessed me beyond my basic needs? His telling me to search for the beauty in life is His way of testing me.
So where do I look when finding beauty? Well, the answers are right before me: my husband and my children. There is beauty in going biking together, in the way he plays with the kids, in him dressing the kids when I need to do something else, in his teaching me things I don’t know, in fixing something that needs attention. There is beauty in each strand of soft hair, in the smooth skin of chubby cheeks, in the twinkle of laughing eyes, in the soft lips that graze my cheek. There is beauty in the resilient hearts that forgive my shortcomings, in the singing and laughter that echo against the peeling walls, in each ‘thank you, Mama!’, in the cries and booboo’s that get comforted by me.
Where we are now (literally and figuratively) may not be what we have in mind, but wherever you are, there is beauty that you can surely find.
I wish I were…
…painting with the colors of sunset.
…hearing birds chirp, leaves rustle.
…basking in nature’s moments.
I wish I were…
…surrounded by pastel colors.
…caressed by clean, fresh wind.
…perfumed by flower scents.
Instead, I am being…
…peppered with dust.
…colored with brown and grey.
…embraced by clutter, uninspired.
But, I am grateful to have…
…small hands in mine.
…soft arms around my neck.
…smiles to cheer when tired.
God never fails to…
…love me unconditionally.
…answer my prayers.
…keep my faith fired.
What beauty in life have you found today?
Hi mommy Ceem, I feel love and comfort everytime I read your words, I hope I can also transfer my feelings through poems like what you do 🙂
Rea Esc recently posted..Enter to Win: Be a Segurista Mom and win 50,000 pesos
yes, there are a lot of beauty around us, sometimes it can’t be seen by the eyes but by the heart. Just waking up with your loved ones is already a blessing and a beauty.
This is beautiful. The house I am living in now I inherited from my parents. It is showing its age. I wish I could turn it to something that is “magazine-worthy”. It may cost and arm an a leg so, for now, I just have to keep things in order and accept the beauty of it as it is.
kat recently posted..Baguio in a Day
i feel for you.. i might be feeling depressed on some days and forgot to thank God and see the wonders of His unconditional love but He never forsaken us. With your post, it help me appreciate my life more. thanks!
aby recently posted..Bi Won Korean Restaurant @ BF Homes, Parañaque City
Thank you for helping us see the beauty in our lives, because we don’t just have to make do with what we have, instead we must appreciate 🙂
Vera recently posted..Starting Over Again (2014)
Awwww, can I just say that I really, really love this post? I believe God talks to all of us through your post. I personally don’t relate to not finding beauty around me since I’m usually very appreciative, but there are a lot of times when I fail to see beauty within my life. This post reminds me that God is beauty, and where God is, there is beauty. Don’t you just love Him?
PS: Congratulations for winning my giveaway!
Maan recently posted..Our Sunday in Photos (Plus SmileBrilliant Giveaway Winner!)
Thank you so much, Maan! God really is so wonderful and amazing!
This is a very inspirational post.
Sometimes, we are finding beauty in very different aspect not knowing that simple things around us are the most beautiful things.
Allan recently posted..Movie Sharing: Girl-Boy-Bakla-Tomboy
That’s true, Allan!
Such beautiful writing Ceemee! I love your quest to find beauty in the mundane. That helps me shake out the blues as well. 🙂
Patricia recently posted..When should you invest in a blog designer?
Thank you, Pat! I’m glad my post made you feel that way.
Oh, this post just gave me goosebumps. In a nice way of course. I love the part where you were telling how beautiful life is with your family. I can so relate. 🙂
Van recently posted..Cloth Diaper: Sunbaby Trainers
For most moms, their families are the beauty in life.
I feel I am painting with the colors of sunset…basking in nature’s moments. We do still have the luxury in the province, that in spite of the busy schedule, we can still appreciate the mountains, the good air and nature around during weekends. But it is also about how we see life… Many may be wondering why I would still see Zamboanga City this way, after all that had happened a few months ago, but who doesn’t have problems…
Pinay R. recently posted..CMZ B.R.A. A.R.T. WORKSHOP 2014 WITH ZC COMMUNITY LEADERS
It is sometimes tempting to live in the province, to be able to appreciate nature 24/7.
The beauty of life for me is that we always have second chances and hope as long as we are living. This is another lovely post of yours and I love it 🙂
Mommy Maye recently posted..Please Help Me Win a Bag of Yarns
Thanks, Maye! Yes, God always grant us second (even third and fourth) chances and for these we are very grateful.
wow very nice poem, its heartedly written and beautifully delivered. It is true beauty is everywhere its up to our eyes to see it.
Thank you Rosegen!
I love this post, Ceemee! It reminds me so much of myself, how I fret about not having our own house, about or messy, too smal room, about things that I want to do but can’t just yet. Thank you for reminding me to stop whining and instead be grateful for what I do have. 🙂
Oh, and like you, I see my blog as my online home. And for now, like you, that’s the space I’m choosing to make pretty.
Patty recently posted..I Wish They Taught Money In High School – A Book Review
I’m glad I am not alone, hehe! 🙂
There is beauty in everything if we seek it. Like you I too find beauty in the kids and my family.
Dominique Goh recently posted..Pink blooms at Garden at the Bay
High five!
It’s beautifully written, Cym! Yes, it’s true, there is beauty even in mundane and simple things. We just have to look with appreciative eyes. Blessings on you and yours! 🙂
Thank you, Joy!
There really is a lot of beauty around us, we just have to be reminded to look for them, see them and appreciate them.:-) thanks for the reminder!
Maricel recently posted..Blue and Brown Baptism
Welcome, Maricel!
Strong and loving family is always beauty there is, other than that, I found beauty in everywhere seeing flowers, smelling bake goods and in cooking. Great post!:)
Melgie recently posted..Blue Bead Dangle Earrings Tutorial
Thanks, Melgie!
I am thankful for my parents. They are an extension of my legs and they always support me in all my undertakings. This is beautifully written, Cym! 🙂
What is your email? I’d like to ask you something sana.
Farida recently posted..Virtual Assistant Needed
Thanks, Farida! I emailed you, hope you received it.