Is hand lettering for me? For you?
As with new food, new experiences, new learnings that we get a taste of, this question would certainly whisper in our thoughts. Is it for me?
When I attended the hand lettering workshop by Make It Blissful and Abbey Sy last March, I was given a background and some tools on the subject.
Brief review: La Creperie, where the workshop was held, was a lovely place and the DIY crepe buffet was something else. I enjoyed the light streaming in through the windows and the coziness of the second floor. We were given the handbook made by Abbey Sy where the terminologies were explained and the common materials were enumerated, etc. She then explained things to us and passed around notebooks of her lettering work. Us participants made lettering using the different font styles on the smooth pages of the notebook with a Micron fineliner pen that are part of the workshop kit.
What I really wanted to know was, how and where to begin? How do I know which would look good? What kind of embellishments must I use? In one of Abbey Sy’s succeeding workshops, she made samples on a whiteboard. Seeing her in action was something that I didn’t encounter in the one I attended. But, I still tried and practised when I got home.
I realized that in designing lettering, it is important to note the relationships between each word and how they contribute to the whole art.
After this learning, this question brushed past my mind (as I brushed it on paper. Sorry, it’s corny. :-P):
Is lettering for me?
I wanted to know further and purchased Abbey Sy’s book – The ABC’s Of Hand Lettering.
It’s kind of like the workshop guidebook, but in-depth and colorful.
Love it, because:
- It’s very handy. It fits inside my bag (well, my bag is usually large, but it already has soooo many things).
- The cover is pretty sturdy and the paper used is nice & thick.
- The colors are eye-catching and some pages have cute illustrations.
- It has lots of sample art and letters I can use for inspiration.
- It includes other letterers and artists. Their outputs are amazing.
- There are FAQ’s that provide added information.
- Now, I have an idea where to start,
- and what I need to do if I want to show my work.
- It’s a great reference book for making artistic creations.
Leave it, because:
- If it’s not in your line of interest, then why pick it up? LOL!
- Seriously, though, it’s a bit intimidating and disheartening to get into hand lettering since there are many talented & hardworking letterers out there already.
But, as Abbey advised:
- Experiment
- Practice
- Explore
- Progress, etc. (There’s more advice in this book, which I recommend.)
It actually applies to any art I want to try my hand at. One thing I want to discover on this creativity journey is my very own style, and not just in hand lettering. That is why I need to keep experimenting, keep trying, keep practising.
Do you agree?
How about you? Do you do hand lettering? If not, would you try it? Why or why not? 🙂
Is hand lettering for me? Hehe I am asking myself now if I can do hand letterings. 🙂 I think so but not now, I am pretty occupied. 🙂
JanzCrystalz/January recently posted..2015 Annual Physical Examination
I love it. I’m more into drawing actually. But I don’t think this is any different from it. I might as well give this a try. 🙂
Yes, it’s drawing letters! 🙂
I wish have the talent for hand lettering. It’s really cool to see those stuffs.
I used to love hand lettering. I think it is that way when you went to a school run by Catholic nuns. Handwriting is such a big deal to them. I do lots of doodle hand lettering when I am bored. Maybe I should try this.
Marie recently posted..Do Not Delay Getting Car Insurance
Yes! I cannot wait to see what you come up with. 🙂
I agree with you, If its NOT your interest then its not going to fun and easy process. I think that hand lettering is something that I love to try in the future. I think its fun and I have interest doing it. Thanks, Sis-:)
Melgie recently posted..Crowdtap: O.B Pro Comfort Regular Tampons Review
I really want to get into hand lettering but I am not sure if I can invest time in that for now because I’m very busy with the wedding.
theresa recently posted..DCG Fashion and Lifestyle Grand Launch
I would love to try hand lettering too. Hopefully very soon. I also want a copy of that guidebook. Looks very helpful 🙂
Mommy Maye recently posted..ARTSQUISH Giveaway!
It is helpful and inspiring.
Hand lettering looks so pretty. I think it will be very theraputic doing it.
Dominique Goh recently posted..Celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival
I am definitely not good in lettering! That’s why I trace a lot! lol!
Nilyn Matugas recently posted..How to Manage your Child’s Tantrums
Agreed. Practice makes perfect. I am always amazed with the people who have gifted hands… be it on lettering, arts and crafts. Such a great talent.
JessDC recently posted..National Book Store Cut Price up to 50% off!
I think it’s nice to learn hand lettering, it’s perfect for making cards and tags. It’s great that the kids learn it, too. They have many school projects that they can put it to use.
Chin chin recently posted..How to Deal With Sore Eyes
Yes, that’s true! There are lots of kids who are artistic and can surely put this knowledge to good use.
My handwriting is not so good so I’m quite hesitant to try hand lettering. hehehe! But I agree, practice really helps.
Michi recently posted..Royce Nama Chocolate
My handwriting is not good, too. Hehe!
These lettering and calligraphy books are getting really popular these days! I’m very curious but I’m not sure if I have the talent for this.
You can give it a try!